Dr Mohamed Abu Al Nagah Clinic

The variety of bariatric surgeries

جراحات السمنة بمصر

Why is the variety of bariatric surgery good news for everyone?
Before answering this question, we must first realize the differences between obese patients. The more obese people, the greater the number of variable factors among patients.

What are the variable factors among obese patients? 
These factors are what cause the normal person to become obese. Each person's condition is different from the other, and therefore each of these factors differs accordingly.
You have to be sufficiently aware of some of these factors that cause obesity to avoid them or to realize the appropriate treatment.

Some of these factors are:
1- The slowing down of the metabolic rate, or what is known as the burning rate. As the metabolic rate slows down, it becomes more difficult for the body to get rid of calories, causing obesity.
2- Constant feeling of hunger without controlling the amounts of food intake or the periods between daily meals. So meals become very close at intervals and in large quantities, causing the accumulation of body fat and thus obesity.
3- Hormonal imbalance in the body is an important factor of excessive obesity.
4- Genetic or hereditary predisposition is a factor that is significant in excessive obesity.
5- The greed towards foods and drinks that contain large amounts of sugar, in particular, is also a factor that leads to rapid excessive obesity.

Now we can see and realize the multiple causes and factors leading to obesity, which allows us to understand why it was necessary for Dr. Mohamed Abo El Naga to devise tailored bariatric surgeries, as one type of bariatric surgery was not and would not be sufficient to achieve the best results for all cases. 

What are Tailored Bariatric surgeries, and how can we help different obesity cases through them?
1- Gastric Sleeve surgery:
Sleeve gastrectomy is the ideal surgery for an obese patient who has difficulty in controlling food quantities or feeling hungry. Therefore, during surgery, the stomach is reduced to 20% of its size, with the removal of the part responsible for secreting the hunger hormone; thus, a patient can control the craving he feels towards food and starts losing excess weight.

2- Banded Gastric Sleeve:
Banded sleeve gastrectomy is the appropriate surgery for an obese patient afraid of gaining weight again after surgery. Therefore, Dr. Mohamed Abo El Naga puts a silicone ring around the stomach, preventing it from stretching again.

3- Gastric Bypass surgery:
Gastric Bypass is the best bariatric surgery for those who have a craving for foods or drinks that contain a lot of sugar. Gastric Bypass surgery allows the patient to enjoy eating sweets, without worrying about weight gain or developing type 2 diabetes, due to changing the route of the intestine so that the absorption of sugar through them is reduced. 

4- SASI surgery:
SASI surgery is suitable for obese patients who are diabetic and who have no control over their hunger. This surgery offers an effective solution, as it is the combination of Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass surgeries and their advantages at the same time. Through SASI surgery, the patient can control his food and drink while retaining the possibility of eating sugars, without worrying about their absorption through the small intestine or the elevation of blood glucose levels.

Finally, now we can answer the question; Why is the variety of bariatric surgeries considered good news for everyone?
It is good news because all obese patients will be able to find an effective and appropriate treatment for them, regardless of their different cases, through tailored bariatric surgeries by Dr. Mohamed Abo El Naga.